The Matariki family
September 21, 2023
Remember there are many stories about Matariki – even the same story can be told in many ways by different people.
Matariki is the mother gathering people together and reflecting on the past. She encourages us to connect to our environment and each other.
Waitī shines for all sources of fresh water and life within them – rivers, lakes and springs. She reminds us that water sustains us and to take care of it.
Waita is a twin to Waitī, shining on sources of salt water and protecting all life sustained within it. Waita calls us to protect the treasures of our coasts and oceans.
Waipunā-ā-rāngi represents life-giving rain in all its forms, rain, hail and snow. It reminds us how vital rain is for the earth’s cycle and gifts us with rainbows!
Ururangi is a star of moods, associated with Tawhirimatea (god of wind and weather). It represents the four wind directions of north, south, west and east.
Tupu-ā-rangi connects with Tanemahuta, god of the forest, the forests, trees, berries and birds. It stands for renewal of our nature and new plantings and growth.
Tupu-ā-nuku symbolises the growing and nurturing of food that can be harvested from the earth and all edible plants.
Read more about Matariki and the six sisters
Have a go from home too! Find instructions for woven stars here:
Matariki Activities – check out them out in a star wall-hanging below