Hukerenui School visit snapshots
September 21, 2023
Header Image: The Parlour Room of the Treaty House, home of James Busby (who is seen here in the video display students are viewing)

This intricately constructed model inside the Treaty House fascinates students with its tiny details of the gardens and home of the Busby family. James Busby was a viticulturalist and planted grapevines at Waitangi

Running to stand on the spot where the Treaty was first signed! The Norfolk pine tree was planted by Agnes Busby a few years before the Treaty was signed and is taller than the Flagstaff. The Treaty signing took place somewhere around this tree and the present day Flagstaff

Young researchers explore the taonga and stories they tell about our history. Here they draw favourite tohu (signatures) of the rangatira (chiefs) found on copies of historic documents in Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi. The unique patterns used as signatures were often taken from tā moko (facial tattoos)

Gathering at Te Whare Rūnanga for a pōwhiri (traditional Māori welcome) before the cultural performance inside Waitangi’s beautifully carved meeting house. The show is always a highlight for students

After the show, having a photo with our kapa haka group Te Pitowhenua, is special for our school groups. Our performers are genuinely friendly, engaging and happy to answer questions.
A big thanks to the wonderful Hukerenui students, teachers and whānau for visiting!